I was the statistician for Thursday Night Lights from 2009 to 2016, and in the 5th year, Chuck was the color commentator. I also remember watching him on Fox 29 San Antonio as one of the sports anchors (Ernie Zuniga and Ed Suarez were the others, and I worked with Ernie for the first four…
Author: statmanspeaks
GameCrafters – Jorge Rodriguez
I was the statistician for the Spanish radio broadcasts for UTSA football, and Jorge Rodriguez was doing the play-by-play. That was the first time I met him. We worked all the home games together in 2012, and connected through social media shortly after. I was so nervous that first game, but he and the rest…
GameCrafters – Carlos Enrico
I met Coach Enrico in 2014 at a high school basketball game between the St. Anthony Yellow Jackets and the Central Catholic Buttons. I was covering the game from the Yellow Jackets perspective and their Head Coach, Kevin Smisek, introduced us. I knew of Carlos, and it wasn’t until a few years prior to our…